E=Education R=Responsibility A=Aspiration S=Steadfastness E=Empowerment

we decided to help influence the future Generations of America to be successful in the pursuit of happiness. Our goal is to create partnerships with local faith-based outreach centers throughout the district and state; specifically, in rural and impoverished areas that have limited to no access to after-school programs.
Countless families are in need of help. There are hundreds of children desperately trying to become the best they can be.
By implementing new academic and enrichment programs, local school attendance and overall grades have improved tremendously.
Due to collaborations with many community centers and Three Rivers College, students that were previously financially or educationally unable to attend college are now given the tools and ability to continue their education.
Making a Difference
Our Mission at E.R.A.S.E. is to mentor, stimulate and encourage each child to develop their educational and networking skills to become more independent. To empower each young mind to envision their dreams, become goal minded, build confidence, and share their success within the community. Teach self-worth and celebrate achievements both big and small.

Since 2013, the E.R.A.S.E. Foundation has continually funded trips to Jefferson City for several hundred at-risk students. The itinerary includes a pool party at the hotel and tours of the state capitol, Supreme Court and Missouri State Highway Patrol headquarters and museum. The tour of the MSHP building is followed by a pizza party with comments by the Colonel and staff members. Every trip includes the opportunity for the students to hear the appreciated life story of several Senators, State Representatives and a Supreme Court Justice.
Established tutoring & mentoring programs, computer labs, reading programs, and life skill classes. E.R.A.S.E also networks with other faith-based groups and businesses to create a sense of awareness with a focus on volunteerism.

Creating a positive, safe haven for our youth and giving them an outlook of hope with a promising future, and developing an environment and community that discourages delinquent behavior and rewards the good.

Missouri State Highway Patrol
“Together we are making a positive difference in many communities in the education and career pursuits of our young people”
– Col. J. Bret Johnson, Superintendent Missouri State Highway Patrol

Three Rivers College
“Three Rivers College is a proud supporter and active partner of ERASE and its outstanding educational activities throughout Southeast Missouri and the Bootheel. Through this partnership we are able to positively impact the lives of numerous individuals in high poverty communities as they seek to increase their knowledge and job skills in pursuit of a better future.”
– Dr. Wesley A. Payne, Ph.D. President, Three Rivers College

Herman Styles
Poplar Bluff, MO

Robert Whelan
Poplar Bluff, MO

Keith Holloway
Cape Girardeau, MO
Help Us Grow
Join us. Together, let’s guide the next generation forward.
Make your tax deductible contribution to the address at right.
Mailing Address
1111 Sterling Dr
Poplar Bluff, MO, 63901